Polystation: The Poly Machine

OK, like we all know, the fact that famiclones are now legal that never meant stop making them. Well, according to this, we can see how this "market" is faring right now. Anyway, it's a PolyStation, even with a f'ed up PS logo. Still advertising that "HELL-OF-A-LOT-OF-REPEATS-IN-1" gimmick. Wow...

"It's just not a game anymore!"
It's now bullcrap!

"Nintendo" Polystation

Oh wow...were they on drugs or something? A NINTENDO famiclone? Too bad to be true. And yup, it's phony. For some reason they had the guts to even slap "NAMCO" on it. Anyone thinking Bit Corp? Nah, of course not. 

"Built in Programs"

Power Player Vii

This one is the Famiclone I own. And it's a somewhat cool thing to have, but the "motion control" sucks so dam'n bad. But on the bright side, you get a Famicom cart (really crappy games on it)  AND 118 non-repeated built in games. Since it's like $40 USD, it is not bad.
This is the 2nd variation of this, since there are no Trump Grand games built-in this one, but you still get the cart with 13 games by them. Watch tweeterman287's video on it below, for he has the built in Trump Grand games.

"Your Sport Games. Let's do it together."
It demands me to talk to plastic...

Power Striker

OK, here we have a very recent famiclone called the "Power Striker 2010". Surprise, surprise, a repackaged Super Joy III. Talks about like 70 Million games. Hooray, now I can have the enjoyment of owning millions of SMB copies...woot...

"Super Joystick & Power Gun"
Power Gun? Can I rob a bank with it? Of course not, I bet you would get shot before it's "Turbo Shooting" goes off.

SkyCube Plug & Play

This one is somewhat obscure, since Gamecube fakers have not really existed. Uh, WRONG! Here we have another one of those Power Joy variations. Surprise surprise, it's probably IS a Power Joy in a different casing. From Dendy, to bull like  this. Wow, famiclones really went the Power Joy route. Kinda pisses me off.

Picture credited to the ASSEMbler forums. :P

DJ Boy

Just for the gullible, this unknown Chinese company produced this really compact Genesis/Megadrive style clone. Has only 22 built in games, but hey honesty is a good thing :P

Again, from the ASSEMbler forums. I should not be too worried anyhow.

DS Famicom Slot Add-on

This is not an official product nor a famiclone, it's rather an add-on for the DS portable. This is a dam'n good concept because many portable famiclones eat up batteries like they were on an island, or they have flaws that make them just plain suck ass. But, this runs off of the good quality batteries used on the DS consoles. If your in North America and have a NES 60-to-72 pin adapter and own NTSC games, I can assure full compatibility with those too.

Credit to 1up.com. XD I'm on a roll today!

Fun Station

5 words for the person who created these dam'n things: "I will hunt you down."

Yet again, a "HOLY F***ING CRAP I GOT SO MANY GAMES" kind of famiclone.

Attack of the Clones

LOL, how the hell does crap like this exist? Well hey, the honesty makes it better. This new millennium is great to slog out clones! It's a Famiclone in a Genesis 3 shell, a variation that seems to have evolved over the past decade.

Polystation: The Poly Machine: Box Variation

Here's a slight variation of the box. 

LOL, the Polystation is going through depression. Still thinks "It's just not a game anymore!" 

Well dam'n I have never seen a Polystation have thoughts of suicide! DIE THEN, BITCH! DIE!

Power Joy w/ built in light gun on controller

Very clever variation, but it's still just a dam'n Super Joy. And comes with the most bland cartridge "art" ever.

Polystation III Super Soccer System

Cool casing, but shamefully, IT HAD TO BE ON A DAM'N POLYSTATION!
I guess Soccer might have been added on here. But with Polystation's you cant tell if they are good or suck bad. Hell, I judge them because all of them suck ass!

999999999-in-1 Famiclone

A transparent Genesis/Megadrive2 look-alike shell, except with the guts of a Polystation (probably).

Yes the pic is stolen, but this Famiclone is sold to companies, but should be sold to guys who have a knack for archery. 

Mega Joy II

Another Power Joy. BUT, I don't think this has a cart slot, so your stuck with piles of crap to play with that they give you.

Game Fillip 88-in-1 

The Genesis 3 case is resurrected into a Famiclone once more! This one is the same as "Attack of The Clones" except this overheats and is blue. Woo hoo, blue...


Don't know ANYTHING on this machine, except it includes a Chip n' Dale bootleg cartridge. Anyone who speaks Russian and can tell me the text will be a great contribution to this Non-Profit site!


A portable famiclone with a proprietary cartridge format. But, since most games on the cartridge are crap, I would say go for a Famiclone that plays YOUR choice of games.

Here's what I think is the best combo: Portable NES + NES Powerpak, which means, "You can play as many dam'n games as you wish!"


BUT, this is the crappiest looking, as for that it rips off the PSP. I'd say if you could not afford an NES Powerpak and a portable NES, go for the CoolBoy, since that looks more original and people can't insult you for having one.

2 Player Game/2PG/Double Match Game

I know the name is blocked out, but you can still see "2PG" on it AND there is a review by tweeterman287 down below. This is pretty much a CoolBoy in a PSP like shell. Comes with 5 built in games, all of them hacked or developed by Trump Grand.

Lexibook Cyber Console Center

All it is really is a crap famiclone portable with crap games. The buttons look crap, games are crap, ISH ALL CRAP! It might have Trump Grand games, but I can say yes, there are all original games on it.

One Station

Yes I got the pic from somewhere. Credit to them, dam'nit.

Anyway, this is a portable famiclone ran through an emulator. But sadly, it's cartridges usually have ones you already got. It actually has Megadrive capability (NTSC), but can play Genesis games on it I believe. But, you WILL need an adapter.

Postdoctoral F-09

Other than the awkward name, this is a famiclone as a computer. OK, it's got and educational cartridge, except oddly this one does not appar to be 256K.

And hooray, Polystayion style controllers. Always, hate, it!

Generation NEX

A fairly authentic rip-off of the NES. Plays it's cartridges fine, and does also play Famicom games. Good thing is, there is no lock out chip (probably).

Super Joy Voyager

Here's an awkward design right here. Sad thing is, this console only plays Brick games on it's screen. But, when it is plugged in the TV , you can play the NOAC games. The cartridge resembles a GameBoy cartridge, but it's not. 

Those controllers are really cool looking, especially the one with the gun mounted on top.

Dismac Bit-System

This is a fairly dull NES clone, sold in Brazil. Not much more to say...


It's a PolyStation in a weird box, filled with random characters now plagued by the world of piracy.
Credit to ConsoleDatabase :P

"3-D Game Effects"
I like the part when they lie. XD

Action Set

PAL SNES ripoff. Bleghhh.

I also like how companies that produced this crap never made a light gun like the one on the ACTUAL SNES!

Power Games

OK, it comes with about 110 built-in games, of course ones in 25k. -_-

But god, that penguin has red eyes! GET TO DA CHOPPA!

(C) 2010 Tyler Vogel. You may take any info or photos from this site. :P